2Moons Wiki

Mouse Controls

Mode A

Left Mouse Button


* Move to the selected point 
* Auto-Attack monsters 
* +drag to pick up, throw away, or equip items 
* +drag to assign skills to Quickslots 
* Select items and skills 
* Auto-attack a monster. 
* Click on various buttons 

Click and hold on ground: Auto Movement

Ctrl + click on character: Activate character interactive window

Shift + click: Shoot arrows when clicked on monsters or ground.

Shift + hold click: auto-shoot arrows

Mouse Wheel

Turning the wheel: Camera Zoom in/out

Click: Resets view

Right Mouse Button


* Select field/monster 
* Purchase items from the shop. 
* Use disposable items. 

Click on a skill to use it.

Hold click + drag mouse to change the camera view

Mode B

Left Mouse Button


* Move to the selected point 
* Select and attack monsters 
* Pick up, throw away, or equip items 
* +drag to pick up, throw away, or equip items 
* +drag to assign skills to Quickslots 
* Click on various buttons 

Double-click: auto-attack a monster.

Ctrl + click on character: Activate character interactive window

Using skill: Select a monster, and select numbers 1-9 in the keypad.

*Mouse Wheel*

Turning the wheel: Camera Zoom in/out

Click to reset the camera view

*Right Mouse Button*


* Auto-purchase items from the shop. 
* Use disposable items. 

Click on a skill after selecting it: Use the skill.

Hold click + move mouse: Change the viewing angle of camera

Keyboard Shortcuts

C: Character Status Window

K: Skill Info Window

I: Inventory Window

Q: Quest Info Window

P: Party Info Window

G: Guild Info Window

R: Run/Walk

F: Messenger Info Window (Friend List)

V: View All Character Names

N: Mini-Map On/Off

M: World Map On/Off

H: Help On/Off

W: Move to Front

A: Move to Left

D: Move to Right

S: Move Back

L: Fishing

J: Mount/Dismount

T: Pet

Z,X: Change Skill Slots

Shift+Z: Mode A

Shift+X: Mode B

F1-F6: Use Potion

1-9: Select Skills

~: Auto-Attack

Ctrl: Force Attack During PK

Alt: See All Dropped Items

Tab: Swap Weapon Sets

Esc: Option Window/Close Menus/Cancel

↓: Move the camera angle up

↑: Move the camera angle down

←: Move the camera angle left

→: Move the camera angle right

Page Up: Camera Zoom Out

Page Down: Camera Zoom In

Space Bar: Pick up items

Enter: Activate chat window

F12: Screen Shot